How to calculate ppm of liquid and dry fertilizer
How to calculate ppm of liquid and dry fertilizer

This five minute guide aims to go through the process of purchasing and calibrating a TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) or EC (Electrical Conductivity) meter, measuring PPM in your water, and ensuring your plants are receiving the nutrients they need - no more, no less. Think of them as glossary entries - it helps you understand roughly what’s going on, but you’ll need to know more to really put that knowledge into practice. The 30 second guide covers only the most basic understanding of PPM and their relation to cannabis cultivation, while the two minute guide further explains the scientific concept of PPM. The Five Minute Deep Dive: PPM and Organics Using a TDS or EC meter to measure PPM is an accurate way to ensure your plants receive exactly the right amount of nutrients, and prevent them from soaking up too much of the wrong stuff. For each stage of growth, a different concentration of nutrients is considered ideal. Cannabis plants have different nutritional needs throughout their lifespan. Other nutrients, when taken in abundance, can actually damage the plant, causing issues with chlorophyll production or even effectively poisoning the plant. Plants can only ‘eat’ so much from the soil at once if a plant is flooded with certain solubles beyond what it can handle, the roots can become gridlocked and unable to take up any nutrients. Roots are porous membranes capable of drawing water and nutrients out of the soil, which the plant then uses to produce food through photosynthesis, and as ‘building blocks’ for all its structural and chemical components, from leaves to flowers and, yes, cannabinoids. It matters because plants don’t eat their food by the mouthful they eat their food by the molecule.Ĭannabis plants, like all leafy plants, absorb nutrients through their roots. How can a PPM - or even hundreds of PPM - matter whatsoever in growing your cannabis? Even 10,000 PPM equals just one percent. One mL in 1,000 litres isn’t just a drop in a bucket it’s less than three quarts in an olympic sized swimming pool.

how to calculate ppm of liquid and dry fertilizer

So take that pixel and make it one hundred times smaller. That tiny white pixel actually represents 100 parts per million in that image. Can you see it? This square is a total of 10,000 pixels, one of which is white. That’s a 100 pixel by 100 pixel black image, with a single white pixel near the centre. If you weren’t clear on the term before, hopefully you can see where it comes from now: a ‘PPM’ is a single unit (say, a millilitre) of any given substance per million units (one million millilitres, or 1,000 litres) of another substance.Īs you can see, that’s a tiny ratio. That’s a 2:1 ratio of water to rice, or two parts water per single part rice.

how to calculate ppm of liquid and dry fertilizer

For every cup of rice, you use two cups of water. If you’ve ever cooked rice, you’re probably familiar with ratios. In fact, a percent is a ratio of one part per hundred, or ‘cent’. As its name suggests, a PPM is simply a unit of measurement, like a percentage. PPM, or parts per million, aren’t really a class of nutrient or an ‘ingredient’ in any true sense. Next, let’s get to the science of soluble nutrients and cannabis growing. Both effectively measure PPM, though EC readers require some basic math to convert their units to PPM. TDS stands for Total Dissolved Solids, while EC stands for Electrical Conductivity. PPM are measured using a TDS or EC meter. Measuring PPM matters because cannabis plants are extremely sensitive to proper nutrition.

how to calculate ppm of liquid and dry fertilizer

PPM does not measure the type of soluble in water, only the total amount. It’s a way to measure tiny amounts of dissolved nutrients in water. By concentration, we’re referring to how much of any nutrient, or ‘soluble’, is dissolved in the water you feed your plants with. PPM stands for Parts Per Million, a measure of concentration. Our growing system is scientifically calibrated to provide the ideal nutrients at the right time.

  • Organic soils are too comple-x to be analyzed with ordinary PPM readers.
  • PPM is a measurement of nutrients in the soil or growing medium.
  • Understanding these concepts isn’t the easiest thing in the world, so we’ve decided to write a definitive guide in three parts: the 10 second Cliffs Notes, 30 second explanation, the two minute talk, and the five minute deep-dive into the world of PPM. Lately, we’ve had many novice growers ask us to explain PPM, TDS and EC readers, and how they all work together to help you grow better cannabis. While we try to make cannabis growing as simple as possible, some technical terminology is just unavoidable.

    How to calculate ppm of liquid and dry fertilizer